- Module Deno https://deno.land/x/resume
- Hosted Deno Deploy https://deno-resume.deno.dev/
- Deno Deploy Playground https://dash.deno.com/playground/deno-resume
- On Github https://github.com/reggi/deno-resume
I sought out to create a resume website with Deno. My requirements were as follows:
- ✅ To serve a Resume webpage as a route using Deno
- ✅ To generate a static HTML document with no external CSS OR JS dependencies
- ✅ To customize
css classes for people to easily print the page - ✅ To export create a PDF of the site programatically
This project achieves all of those goals 🎉.
How it works
The resume data is a JSON object. Here’s the type definition. Here’s an example of the data. This is used as the main props passed into the Resume
page component.
I’ve put some detail into the several ways this project can be used and I’ll try and document some usages here.
Programmatic Usage
If you want to run your own resume page, say on Deno Deploy this is a single-file that would get you started.
import { serve } from "https://deno.land/std@0.188.0/http/server.ts"
import { router } from "https://crux.land/router@0.0.12"
import resume from "https://deno.land/x/resume/mod.ts"
import data from "https://deno.land/x/resume/example/thomas-anderson.json" assert { type: "json" }
import theme from "https://deno.land/x/resume/theme.json" assert { type: "json" }
await serve(router({
"/": resume({
The theme is a JSON object where the key is a CSS selector and the value are tailwind classes. twind
does not have support for print()
, I added the ability to expand that keyword. Anything within the print()
parenthesis will be given the print:
prefix. I also added in feature for setting tag attributes using the syntax [width=20]
this could be used for setting image sizes and alt
text or really any attribute.
"body": "print(text-xs) mx-auto max-w-screen-lg py-10 px-10",
"a": "font-medium text-blue-600 dark:text-blue-500 hover:underline",
".topSection": "mb-3 relative",
".name": "print(text-2xl) text-4xl",
".downloadLink": "print(hidden) absolute pt-5 top-0 right-0",
".job": "flex mb-3",
".jobImage": "flex-none pr-3 pt-1",
".jobImage img": "rounded-full",
".job h2": "print(text-lg) text-xl",
".job h3": "print(text-base) inline mr-3 text-lg",
".jobSummary": "mb-2",
".label": "print(font-normal) text-xs font-semibold inline-block px-1 lowercase rounded text-sky-600 bg-sky-200 last:mr-0 mr-1"
CLI Usage
The CLI is broken down into 3 different scripts.
This isolates dependencies for each, meaning if you just wanted to say render
you don’t need to install the pdf
dependencies (puppeteer). All of these files are dynamically imported into the single ./cmd.ts
file which will be used for this documentation, but you could call any of these files directly for individual usage.
Serve a JSON file
deno run ./cmd.ts --serve --json ./example/thomas-anderson.json
# or with permissions
deno run --allow-read --allow-net ./cmd.ts --serve --json ./example/thomas-anderson.json
Generate a PDF
deno run ./cmd.ts --pdf ./example/output/resume.pdf --json ./example/thomas-anderson.json
# or with permissions
deno run --allow-read --allow-env --allow-write --allow-run --allow-net ./cmd.ts --pdf ./example/output/resume.pdf --json ./example/thomas-anderson.json
Generate a static HTML File
deno run ./cmd.ts --html ./example/output/index.html --json ./example/thomas-anderson.json
# or with permissions
deno run --allow-read --allow-write ./cmd.ts --html ./example/output/index.html --json ./example/thomas-anderson.json